
Is User Testing Legit Reddit

Is user testing legit? And some tips

Hi, I just got accepted into and I read online a bunch of people saying it was a scam, they never pay, they NEVER got any tests ETC. Also, now that I'm accepted I don't understand what I'm supposed to do now, so I'd really appreciate some tips/guidance.

Also, if usertesting is not legit are there any similar sites that are? Thanks!

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level 1

I've been doing is UserTesting for probably three or four months now and in June I made about 150 give or take $20. I've never had a problem with them paying me. And yes if you want to get tests you do pretty much have to sit on it all day long. I have been denied opportunities more than I have been accepted, though. Some of the tests are very picky about who they want.

level 1

I go on about one hour a day and make $30-50/ week. If I left the screen open all day during the work week while I do stuff I'd probably make $200/week but I have class and work so not too much time I'm on. Definitely legit and they pay 7 days after to the minute.

level 1

I'm not getting too many tests right now either, but it is very legit. I've made 40$ so far.

level 2

How do i do it though, what am i supposed to do now? And how long did it take to make 40?

level 1

If UserTesting is a scam then I will let them scam me all day! $1250 in payments in the last 5 months (that is when I first started). Proof of accounting and PayPal payments below:

It's all about demographics on UserTesting

level 2

What's the "best" demographic if you don't mind me asking

level 1

· 2y Tester

Definitely not a scam. I've been doing it for a couple of years. Had to stop for about a year when my computer microphone quit working. Started again this year on April 1st, and I've made $650 just since then. Never had an issue. Tests depend on demographics and there is no "best" demographics, it just depends on what companies are doing tests and what they're looking for. What I do is when I'm available to do tests, I leave a UserTesting browser open- it dings when a test comes in and I can immediately take the screener.

level 1

No not a scam. I just started at beginning of month and have made $147 so far. Some days I take screeners all day and end up with 1 or 2 for the day but $10-20 a day for me is awesome. You have to leave the website open and take the screener as soon as available. I have been having issues with the mobile app but if I take a test and it messes up I email them and still get paid. Good extra money for me.

level 1

It is not a scam at all. I start in December of 2018 and have made $880 myself. It is all about first come/first serve, plus getting through the screeners. I keep the website open from the time I wake up till I go to bed. Some weeks, I can average 1-2 test a day, then others I end up with 1-2 tests a week.

level 1

· 2y Trusted

LOL no usertesting is not a scam. read the sub, tons of posts about them. There are other sites too, check out the sticky thread, which is always a good idea when you hit a new sub.

Is User Testing Legit Reddit


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